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Monthly Tarot Forecast for June 2016

By May 26, 2016 July 27th, 2017


In June 2016, you'll experience a major breakthrough that will give you laser-focused clarity about who you are and what you stand for. You might experience new emotions with this new clarity, so give yourself time and space to process those feelings. Don't rush into action-mode straight away!

Watch the Tarot card forecast to discover exactly what’s coming up in June 2016 and how to make the most of the month ahead.

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Video Transcript:

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Hi, I'm Brigit, founder of Biddy Tarot, and this is the monthly Tarot forecast for June, 2016.

I’m going to walk you through the three Tarot cards around the Blessings for the month, the Challenges, and the recommended course of actions, so you can make this an awesome month. Alright let’s get straight into it.

So for the Blessings I’ve drawn the Ace of Swords reversed. There you go.

Upright the Ace of Swords is about having a mental break-through where you suddenly get just amazingly clear insight into a situation, and your thoughts around that situation are just so sharp and like laser focussed, right?

In the reversed position this can be about getting mental clarity on some inner work that you might have been doing.

So if you’ve been having a bit of a rough time over the last few months, trying to work out who you are, know that in June it’s going to kind of like just burst into your mind, like: Oh, now I get it!

You know that feeling? You are like: Why do I do this? Why do I do that? Ah, now I know!

So that’s what the Ace of Swords will help you achieve – that inner clarity about something that might have been bugging you for a little bit. That’s a good one to have.

For our Challenges I’ve got the Page of Cups.

Now the Page – it’s interesting – we’ve got a Page and we’ve also got an Ace. Now both of these are about sort of new beginnings, or being on the cusp of something new.

With the Page, it’s kind of like he’s found a new part of himself that he’s wanting to explore; and with the suit of Cups that part of himself is to do with the emotions, and perhaps it’s a new feeling or emotion that he’s been experiencing.

Now as a Challenge this may be a sign that as a result of your inner mental break-through, you are now starting to experience emotions that you haven’t necessarily experienced before. And it’s all new to you.

Now it’s not necessarily that these are really negative emotions for you, it’s actually kind of intriguing, and like: Oh, I didn’t realise I felt that way. Wow, that’s interesting.

But it does appear as a Challenge, so it just might throw you off a little bit. But I see this as temporary, so it’s kind of like that surprise feeling of like: Oh wow, I didn’t know I felt really angry about that. Or: Oh, I didn’t know I felt that way about this person.

So just remember to really open up that space so that you can experience those new emotions, and just honour them and acknowledge them, and observe them. You don’t have to read too much into it and go, “Oh my goodness, I feel angry. That’s terrible.” You’re just like, “Oh, there you go. I didn’t realise I feel angry.” So that’s how you can minimise some of those Challenges with the Page of Cups.

Now our final card is the recommended course of action for June, and we’ve got the Eight of Wands reversed.

Now the Eight of Wands is typically a card of movement, action, things just like whoosh – just like those wands are going.

But in the reverse position it can be a sign not to rush into things too quickly. So yes you’ve had this beautiful mental break-through, and yes you’re starting to experience some new emotions that you haven’t necessarily experienced before, but just take it easy. You don’t have to take action around all of this new stuff straight away.   It might actually be in your best interest if you allow it just to simmer and settle for a little bit, and just let it sort of integrate within you before you need to actively go out and do something about it.

There’s also something in here about sort of getting your own inner energy moving.

And it might be just having a change of scenery, it might be moving home, it could even be just taking a short break somewhere just on your own. You want to be able to create a little bit of a shift in your own energy to sort of get things moving again – get that sort of Chi going through you. And I think that’s what’s going to really help with that extra sort of break-through that you’re getting, and dealing with the new emotions that you might be experiencing.

So there you have it – that is the monthly forecast for June, 2016. I hope you have a really good month, and hooray to all that clarity you ’re going to be getting, particularly as you do your inner work as well.

So have a great month and I shall see you next time.

Thanks and good-bye.


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