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How to Work With the Moon to Create Business Success

By July 28, 2019 May 17th, 2023
How to Work with the Moon to Create Business Success

Have you ever wondered why you feel really energised about your work some days, but other days, you simply want to curl up under your bedcovers and retreat from the world? Or maybe some weeks, it feels like everything in your business is growing abundantly, but other weeks, you just want to tear everything down and start over? 

If you're anything like me (and most other entrepreneurs), you've probably tried to push through, keep producing, and hustle, hustle, hustle, even when it felt like you were hitting a brick wall. Even when your body, mind and spirit were crying out for rest. Because that's what we've been told for so long – if we want to be successful as entrepreneurs and build a thriving company, we need to hustle and grind, 24/7. 

Business Success Without The “Grind” 

What if I told you that it doesn't have to stay this way? Imagine for just a moment that you could create an abundant, profitable business without living on the edge of exhaustion and burnout. What if you could actually enjoy your business in a state of joy, ease and flow? 

Well, using the power and potency of the lunar cycles, you can. 

When we work with the cycles of the moon, we create more flow and ease. There’s less striving, and more thriving. We no longer need to push or force our way forward. Instead of working so hard to push against the natural flow of the Moon, we switch into receiving mode, flowing in harmony with nature. 

You don't always have to be “on” in order to be successful and get big things done. In fact, it's not natural, or healthy, and could even be a barrier to the ultimate success of your business. If you're totally depleted after launching a new project or offer, you won't be able to show up and serve at your best once it's out in the world. Rest is important. Even Good.

Moon (Lunar) Cycles For Business Success 

Here’s a quick overview of the 4 key phases of the moon, and the types of business activities that are suited to each phase: 

New Moon: 

The New Moon is a potent time to plant seeds of inspiration and opportunity. This is the time for dreaming big, feeling into the vision of your business, creative brainstorming, and planning and strategizing inside of your business.

Waxing Moon: 

The Waxing Moon is a highly creative and productive period. This is when the energy of the moon is growing by the day, and people attuned to its energy are taking action on their dreams, desires and creative businesses. Your prospective customer may be looking for ways to take action and pursue their goals. If you can offer what they seek, then shazam! You’ve got yourself new customers. 

Make Money With The Moon

How To Create More Success
Using The Lunar Cycles As Your Guide


Full Moon: 

If you want to put something new out into the world and be ‘seen’ for your work, then the Full Moon is the perfect time to do it.

This time can also be emotionally intense, so if you are prone to stress, fear or worry around the Full Moon, you might put a ‘keep calm’ plan in place (lots of massages, meditation and being of service to yourself), rather than using this energy for launching new offerings.

Waning Moon: 

The energy of the waning moon is focused on releasing and letting go, resting, and re-energizing for the next moon cycle. Your time is best spent on business maintenance activities – wrapping up any loose ends, defining policy, management activities, getting organised and refocusing your efforts. It's a great time to be at home and spend a little more of your time on “life” things as well.

For even more insight into how to create success with the moon, and to learn exactly how I work with the moon towards business goals, grab your free copy of my guide to Making Money with the Moon. 

Using moon cycles allows you to recharge and recalibrate your energy in alignment with the Universal energies that are flowing around you thanks to the phases of the moon.

When I finally moved away from the more traditional, “masculine” mode of working (striving, forcing, achieving) and allowed my intuition and feminine moon cycles to guide me, my business really took off.

The moon cycles help me to become more present and connect with the natural rhythms of my body, my mind, and my environment. It serves as a great reminder to follow a regular pattern of setting intentions, creating mindfully, offering my appreciation, and releasing that which is no longer serving me. And it reminds me that energy is in a constant ebb and flow, and it’s okay to slow down because the energy always returns.   

As business owners, the moon cycles represent a huge untapped resource of nature-based energy which is often overlooked. When you understand the moon cycles and how to leverage them in your business, you create more flow, ease and abundance. I can show you how. 

If you love the idea of business planning with the moon cycles, then check out my FREE guide >> Making Money with the Moon: How to Grow Your Intuitive Business with Ease, Using Lunar Cycles as Your Guide. You’ll get detailed information on how the moon cycles work and how best to use them in your business, PLUS I take you through exactly how I use each moon phase in my business!


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Make Money With The Moon

How To Create More Success
Using The Lunar Cycles As Your Guide