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The Pregnancy Tarot Spread – Creating a positive experience for pregnancy and birth

By May 20, 2011 May 4th, 2018

Just this week, I had a client request a customised Tarot reading to provide her insight on how she can create a positive experience throughout her pregnancy and birth, and how she can connect better with her baby. I was thrilled! As an accredited HypnoBirthing practitioner, and as a pregnant mum myself (I’m 33 weeks pregnancy with baby no. 2!), I just couldn’t wait to create a Tarot spread around pregnancy and birth!

Previously, I have written about the benefits of creating your own Tarot spread and customising your Tarot readings so that you can answer your clients’ specific questions. Well, I wanted to show you just how I did this for my pregnant client.

In this post, I share the pregnancy Tarot spread I created and the actual reading that followed. (Thank-you so much to my client for giving me permission to share this with my readers!) I also give you the opportunity to purchase the Pregnancy Tarot Reading for yourself, in case you are expecting your own little ‘arrival’!

The Pregnancy Tarot Reading Spread

I wanted to create a Tarot spread that was empowering and uplifting , and that would help my client create a positive experience for her pregnancy and birth. So, I included a strong focus on what my client could do to create this positive experience.

It was also important that this reading did not overlap into the medical or health space (as I am not a medical practitioner), and so I focused the Tarot spread on the more practical and emotional elements of creating a positive pregnancy.

Here is the final version of the Pregnancy Tarot Spread:

pregnancy tarot spread

  • You in this present moment
  • How you want to experience your pregnancy
  • What are your blessings in this journey
  • What are some potential challenges
  • How can you better connect with your baby
  • How can you improve your personal well-being throughout pregnancy
  • What can you do to prepare for labour and birth
  • What can you do to prepare for your baby’s arrival
  • How can you involve your partner

The Client’s Pregnancy Tarot Reading

So, what does the Pregnancy Tarot Spread look like in ‘real life’? Thankfully, my client was very generous in giving me permission to share her reading with you (whilst of course keeping her identity confidential). Here is how the Pregnancy Tarot Reading turned out…

  • You in this present moment – Ace of Cups
  • How you want to experience your pregnancy – Moon reversed
  • What are your blessings in this journey – Eight of Wands
  • What are some potential challenges – King of Pentacles reversed
  • How can you better connect with your baby – Eight of Swords reversed
  • How can you improve your personal well-being throughout pregnancy – Ten of Wands
  • What can you do to prepare for labour and birth – Nine of Swords reversed
  • What can you do to prepare for your baby’s arrival – Six of Wands
  • How can you involve your partner – Seven of Pentacles

The Ace of Cups shows that this is an incredibly happy and joyful time for you and your partner. You are feeling elated that you are indeed pregnant and will soon welcome new life into your own life. While most of your emotions will be at the positive end of the scale, it is also possible that there may be a few tears here and there. Don’t worry, this is just your hormones and is an important part of your journey. Just enjoy all these wonderful new feelings that you are experiencing, and welcome this new life.

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As you think about your pregnancy journey, the reversed Moon indicates that you seek to clear out any deeply held fears or reservations about pregnancy and birth. I think we all experience it – we see so many dramatic movies with screaming ladies giving birth; we hear all the bad stories about other people’s troublesome pregnancies and painful labours; and we constantly get ‘advice’ from others about how hard it’s all going to be. No wonder many women end up fearing having a baby! The reversed Moon shows that you are consciously beginning to work through your fears and you are hopeful that you will be able to create a much more positive experience for yourself, your baby and your partner. This is about working through any limiting beliefs, stories that you may have heard, and any anxieties you may have, by bringing them to the surface and shining the light on them to know that you do not have to let these negative energies into your life. You can free yourself of them by adopting a positive outlook on your pregnancy.

Your blessings here are that the pregnancy probably came about quite quickly. That is, you may not having been ‘trying’ for too long and it all happened a bit sooner than expected. Your pregnancy journey may also happen quite quickly, in that once you feel better and over the morning sickness, things will move much more quickly and you won’t notice the nine months as much! The Eight of Wands also indicates air travel, so you may also enjoy a ‘babymoon’ in the next few months (air travel usually gets a bit uncomfortable after about 6 months).

Your challenges may be around some financial concerns, particularly if you are worried that you will not have enough money or financial reserves to support the baby when it comes. Alternatively, the King of Pentacles can also indicate an older male, usually in a position of authority or a father-figure type role. Reversed, he can be quite inflexible and a bit of a stick in the mud. Perhaps this is your obstetrician? Are you comfortable with your caregiver? Do you feel that they meet your needs and will be flexible in meeting your requirements? It may also be representative of a grandparent-to-be that may be a little over-bearing, dominant or strict. Or even a concern that your husband may be a strict father. I suggest exploring this further to understand where this potential blocker might be.

To connect better with your baby, you almost need to first focus on freeing yourself of any limiting thoughts that are associated with negative perspectives, before you can truly connect with your baby. This may be partly about getting through the morning sickness first (it usually passes by about week 14-16), but it may also be about clearing your mind of any negativities that others have placed in there. Again, you hear so many dramatic stories from others who make it sound like pregnancy and birth is such an awful thing. Stay clear of this and know that you can have a different possibility if you set your mind up for a more positive experience. So, free yourself of these limiting thoughts and that will in turn bring you closer to your baby.

To look after yourself, the Ten of Wands suggests that you need to be mindful of not taking on too much at this time. You may still be working as if you were not pregnant, or trying to accomplish a list of tasks and goals before baby arrives. Be careful not to put too much pressure on yourself to do everything, and know that it’s ok to either drop a specific task/goal or delegate it to someone else. I know that when I was going through the first trimester, I made my husband do all the cooking because there was just no way I could take in all those cooking smells!! It’s ok to drop the ball a little – your health and the baby’s health are most important.

When it comes to the birth of your baby, the Nine of Swords reversed encourages you to not fear this part of the journey. Again, we are so indoctrinated with the idea that labour is this awful, painful event that is to be feared, that we forget it is actually a joyous occasion which leads to the birth of our babies. As you learn more about what the body can do, you will come to see that birth does not have to be feared, but instead you will in awe at what the body can do! So, try to manage any anxiety around this and remind yourself that it is not as bad as it seems.

When it comes to the actual arrival of your baby, the Six of Wands encourages you to be proud and to use this time as a motivator along your journey. This is like the victory moment when your whole pregnancy and birth comes to fruition and you can announce the birth of your baby proudly and excitedly. You might like to start getting the nursery ready soon or buying a few baby clothes to inspire you about what this journey is all about.

In terms of your partner, know that his journey is a little longer-term than yours! For him, it may be hard to connect with the baby while it’s in your tummy, and he may only really get into it in the last couple of months of pregnancy. So, give him that time and space and don’t pressure him into connecting at any particular stage. I also think that he is going to be a wonderful partner, because he knows that you have to sometimes put in a lot of effort at the beginning even if you don’t see results until later on down the track.




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