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Make Your Living Reading Tarot, Starting Today

By January 20, 2017 July 7th, 2020

make your living reading tarot

Have you ever wished you could make your living reading Tarot –creating spiritual and financial abundance in your life and others’?

Perhaps you’re at a desk job secretly hoping that one day you could take the leap into reading Tarot full-time. Or maybe you’re already a professional Tarot reader but struggling to achieve the prosperity you desire.

I’ve been there.

For years, I dreamed of pursuing my soul-centered business full-time. Then, in 2012, I finally took the leap. I quit my well-paying corporate job to read Tarot full-time. Everyone I knew thought I was absolutely crazy.

Looking back, I’m so glad I followed my intuition and didn’t listen to the naysayers.

At Biddy Tarot, we now inspire over 9 million people every year to trust their intuition with Tarot as a guide.

And since leaving my corporate job, our revenue has increased exponentially! We've celebrated multiple successful six-figure launches and now I own a 7-figure online Tarot business that I absolutely love.

I believe my mission in life is to help you take your true passions and gifts in reading Tarot and turn them into a fulfilling and thriving business: A business where you are making a difference in people’s lives and doing what you love to do.

A business where you are making a serious income because your customers truly value the work you do and they keep coming back for more.

And a business where you can work on your own terms and spend more time with your loved ones because you are so effective and efficient.

Let me give you a little insight into how big the opportunity really is for Tarot professionals  online and why you can't afford not to have a presence on the internet.

The Opportunity For Tarot Readers Online

It's no secret that the internet is continuing to grow at a rapid rate. Over three-quarters of North Americans use the internet regularly, and the average user spends 24 hours a week online.

Tarot Internet Usage Statistics

And while people are online, they're spending big. Over the last ten years, Americans have spent over $10 Billion online according to a 2019 report.

Now you might be thinking, that's great Brigit, but what does this mean for us, as aspiring Tarot professionals?

Well, between 2007 to 2012, the psychic service industry generated $2.1 billion in revenue, according to industry research firm IBIS World. Two billion dollars.

Imagine if you could tap into just 0.01% of that? That'd be $210,000 in revenue. Now that's a rewarding business!

But is there a demand for online Tarot readings?

According to Pew Research Center, 15% of Americans have visited a psychic for advice in the past year and people in the US are more likely to seek psychic advice online than offline. This is great news for online Tarot readers because it means that people want and need your services, online.

Now as heart-centered, spiritual entrepreneurs, we know it's not all about the money. It's also about the impact that we have when we follow our true calling and serve the people who we're here to serve.

When you're online, you're not limited to serving only the people in your local area. You have the potential to reach people from all around the world. And that means having a greater impact on even more people's lives.

Plus, when you're online, you can set up your business in a way that it takes care of itself so you can continue to create even more magic and do the work you love doing most.

How To Get Your Foot In The Door And Make Your Living Reading Tarot

There's no denying it – the benefits of creating your Tarot business online are huge.

But how do you get a foot in the door? What does it really take to build a thriving Tarot business online?

Here are my three first steps toward making your living reading tarot online. You can start TODAY and begin to lay the foundation for your online business.

Step 1: Find Your Platform

If you're going to have an online presence, you need a place where people can find you.

Now, some folks start on Facebook or Etsy because it's easy to get set-up and get found. But you know what really makes me uncomfortable about these types of business set-ups? You're not the one in control – Facebook or Etsy is. What if Etsy was to turn around one day, just like eBay did in 2012, and ban Tarot readings? Your business is gone, just like that.

Other folks start on Blogger, Tumblr or This is a step in the right direction, but again, you're running your business off someone else's platform.

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Add A Bit of Practical Magic to Your Tarot Readings

Join Brigit Esselmont in this groundbreaking workshop and discover the surprising secrets that will help you unlock your true potential and craft impactful, transformational readings — NOW

Start With Your Own Website

The best platform, in my opinion, is your own website with your own domain and your own hosting. Go to Godaddy or Bluehost, choose a URL, and then sign yourself up for web hosting. It starts at as little as $6 per month.

Once you have your platform, you'll want to create a ‘look and feel' for your website. My advice? Use a web design software like – that's the self-hosted one – and choose a free theme or design which you can install straight away. You want to get your website live as soon as possible. In fact, you might not realize it but you can actually get a website up and running in less than an hour without needing a degree in IT.

Step 2: Get Clear On Who You Want To Serve

Many aspiring professionals start their business thinking, “I just want to help everyone” – which is lovely, but how do you reach “everyone”? It's impossible.

Before you even start thinking about what to put on your website or what Tarot services you want to offer, ask yourself…

“Who Do I Most Want To Serve?”

Do you work best with spiritually conscious women who want to improve their relationships? Or perhaps you work best with young men who are navigating their careers? Or maybe you're an aspiring Tarot teacher and you love connecting with people who are new to professional reading?

Now, over time, your ideal client is probably going to change and evolve – and that's OK. But for now, you at least want to have a starting place.

Once you get clear about who it is you are here to serve, everything else will fall into place that much easier. You will know who you want to attract to your business and where to find them. You will know what services and products will appeal to your dream client and how to meet their deepest needs. And you will know how to speak their language and form meaningful connections with them.

Step 3: Create Your Tarot Reading Offers

OK, so you have a platform and you know who you want to serve. By now, you're probably itching to start offering your professional services.

One of the first webpages that you will want to have – apart from the Home page and the About page – is your Services page.

Most aspiring Tarot professionals will start by offering Tarot readings. Later down the track, you may offer eBooks, courses, meditations, mentoring, and so on, but for now, let's focus on getting your Tarot reading offers up and ready to go.

The easiest ways to organize your readings are according to the time invested – for example, a 30-minute and a 60-minute session. Or, the number of Tarot cards drawn – for example, 4-7 cards or 8-12 cards. Or the number of questions asked – although keep in mind, how do you define what constitutes just one question?

Alternatively, you might want to have different readings for different topics or spreads such as a relationship reading or a career direction spread.

But why not take it a step further and

Consider What You’re Really Offering:

  • What value do you offer your clients when they have a Tarot session with you?
  • What changes do you inspire? What kinds of transformation do you support?
  • What’s truly different in your clients’ lives after they have invested time, energy, and money with you?

When you’re clear on what value you’re truly offering, then you can create your Tarot packages around those outcomes.

For example, you might support your clients in connecting with their soul purpose so you create a “Connect with Your Soul Purpose Reading”. Or you might support clients through major life transitions so you create a “Smooth Transitions”.

Once you have your Tarot reading offerings – anywhere between 2 and 4 offers is a good place to start – you then need to set your prices and make it easy for your client to pay you.

Setting your prices is a huge topic within itself, which I cover in a LOT more detail in my training program, Grow Your Tarot Business Online. But, for now, what I will say is this. Choose a price for your readings that reflects the value of the change you deliver.

Finally, you’ll need to make sure you’re ready to collect payment. If you’re starting your Tarot business online, then the easiest way is to sign up for a PayPal account. That way, your clients can pay you via credit card or PayPal with a single click.

Once you have that set up, make sure there's a big “Buy Now” button on your Services page so that your prospective clients can easily make a purchase with you.

How to Grow Your Tarot Business Online

OK, so now you have a platform, you know who you want to serve and you have a way for your clients to make a purchase with you. You're officially in business! Pop the champagne!

But wait. You put a website up and everyone will come, right?! Wrong.

Sadly, I have seen a lot of talented Tarot readers create beautiful websites but then they've waited and waited and no-one has come. It seriously breaks my heart.

When I've dug a little deeper, it turns out that these readers just didn't know what to do next. They were ready to invest their time and energy in reading Tarot professionally, but they were not ready to invest their time and energy in growing the business. In fact, many of these talented Tarot readers felt completely lost when it came to building a thriving business online.

Can you relate?

Perhaps you have already set up your website or online business but you're struggling to attract the clients you know you can help the most? Or perhaps you want to grow your business but you have no idea how to go about it?

Well, I’m hosting a free webinar to share the secrets to building the thriving Tarot business you've always desired. I hope you’ll join us for this free training.


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