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Ask Brigit: How to Tell the Story in the Tarot Cards

By March 26, 2014 May 2nd, 2018

blog-20140326-ask-brigit-how-to-tell-the-story-in-the-tarot-cardsAnyone can look up a Tarot card meaning and give a Tarot reading. But it takes an experienced Tarot reader to tell the ‘story' in the cards.

Today's Ask Brigit question is from Liza – one of just many people who have written to me over the years to ask about how to tell the story in the Tarot cards. She writes:

“My main struggle is linking the cards to tell a story. I know what all the cards mean but putting them together to make sense is hard.  What's more, surrounding cards can amplify or detract from the meaning. How do you link the Tarot cards in a reading?”

Watch the video to find out my answer:

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Remember, you CAN transform your life and others' with Tarot so keep your passion alive.

Thank-you for watching and I'll see you next time.

After you’ve watched the video, I’d love to hear your own techniques and strategies for telling the story in a Tarot reading. Leave your comments below.

Video Transcript:

Hi, I’m Brigit, Founder of Biddy Tarot – the place to be if you’re an aspiring Tarot reader and you want to transform your life and others’ with Tarot.

And this is a special Ask Brigit video post where I answer your questions about the Tarot.

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Today’s question comes from Liza. She asks:

“My main struggle is linking the cards to tell a story. I know what all the cards mean but putting them together to make sense is hard.  What’s more, surrounding cards can amplify or detract from the meaning. How do you link the Tarot cards in a reading?”

Great question, Liza.

When you start learning Tarot, you typically learn to read one card at a time in a reading. This is fine as a beginner but if you want to take your Tarot readings to the next level, you need to learn how to tell the story in the Tarot cards.

It’s all about creating links. Links between Tarot cards and links between the positions in the Tarot spread.

Let’s start with links between Tarot cards.

Look for patterns in the numbers of the cards, suits, Major and Minor Arcana cards, symbols and themes. For example, you may see three Fours in the reading – a sign of establishing a firm foundation. Or you may see more Cups cards – a sign of an emotional situation.

Also look for flow between the cards. How does the imagery change and evolve between cards? For example, the hand in the Ace of Pentacles is holding a coin. If the next card was the Two of Wands, that coin has turned into a globe. Could it be a sign of manifesting a dream to travel?

So always be on the lookout for how the Tarot cards link with each other.

The second technique is to look at the links between the positions in the spread. Of course, it will depend on what spread you’re using. In the Celtic Cross, for example, look at the story across the past, present and future cards, or the above, present and below cards.

Of course, it’s easy to get carried away with all of the linkages you see in the cards. Sometimes links can be interesting but not very meaningful. Focus only on those linkages that give you meaningful insight.

I hope that helps, Liza.

Over to you. What’s your advice? How do you create the story in your Tarot readings? Leave your comments below.


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