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Monthly Tarot Forecast for August 2016

By July 28, 2016 July 27th, 2017


In August 2016, you are being called to tune in with your Higher Self and realign with your soul's purpose. The question is, are you ready and willing to listen? And are you prepared to make the necessary sacrifices as you follow your path?

Watch the Tarot card forecast to discover what's coming up in August 2016 and how to make the most of the month ahead.

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Video Transcript:

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Hi, I'm Brigit, founder of Biddy Tarot, and this is the monthly Tarot forecast for August, 2016.

Okay, so I’ve drawn our cards for today and I have:

  • The Judgement reversed for our Blessings;
  • The Eight of Wands reversed for Challenges;
  • And the Eight of Cups reversed for the Outcomes this month

Very interesting, because what we have here is three reversed cards.

Now some people think:  Oh, reverse cards means all these problems are going to be coming up; or it’s a lot of negative energy.

But I like to see reverse cards often in the frame internalised energy.

So instead of focusing on what’s going on around you, you are actually focussing your energy on yourself.

And we also have two Eights here – so Eights are often around mastery, and really getting into our skills and developing our skills.

So we’ll see how those play out a little bit later.

Let’s start with our Blessings for the month of August, and I have the Judgement card here.

Now with the Judgement card, I really see this, in the reverse position, as kind of like an inner calling.  This is a month where you start to feel like something is emerging within you, and something is calling to you that is aligned to your Soul Purpose.

And you have a choice:  You can listen to that call, or you can ignore it.

The reason why people sometimes ignore that inner call is because that call will often ask you to make big sacrifices in your life, and make some really, really tough decisions about what is truly important to you.   So sometimes that can be a little bit overwhelming and you go:  Oh, I can feel this pull this way, but it’s all too scary, I’m going to keep on my same track.

Or you can see this as your Blessing – and remember this is drawn as our Blessing card for this month – and you can see it as:  Wow!  This is a sign that I’m slowly being drawn to a different path; or maybe, perhaps, I am really connecting to my current path, but knowing that it really is my right path.

So the Blessings this month is that there is an inner calling, but it’s really up to you as to whether you are going to hear that inner calling and pay attention to it.

So let’s move on to our Challenges, and we’ve got the Eight of Wands reversed.

Now the Eight of Wands reversed is typically around delays.  So if you’re waiting for something to happen this month, it may be delayed.  I hate saying that because I hate delays probably as much as you do, but just be warned that there may be some delays – sometimes around travel as well – travel delays.  So just make sure you’ve got a Plan B in case there are delays, and maybe work a little bit of extra time in to your time planning.

Now the other side to the Eight of Wands reversed is more about what’s happening internally.

And Eight of Wands reversed can sometimes reflect that sort of stuck energy that you feel.  You know that you need to move forward, particularly if you’re hearing that inner calling that we saw in the Judgement reversed, but you’re not quite sure:  How do I move things forward?

So that’s something to really sit with:  Is the time right now for me to act upon this inner calling; or do I just need to sit with it, and be okay with sitting with that inner calling, before I start to take action and move forward.

So quite an interesting energy within that card.

Let’s now look at our final card: The Outcome for the month ahead, and we have the Eight of Cups reversed.

Now you can see in this card – let me turn it this way so you can see a bit better – you can see there is a man.  He is walking away from these eight cups in the dead of night.

This is often a card of walking away from something – quite literal, right?

And when it’s in the reverse position, it’s a sign that you know internally you need to walk away from something, but it’s really hard to do.  There might be something in your life that you’ve invested a lot of emotional energy in to, but you’ve come to realise:  You know what?  This is not working.  This isn’t working the way I had anticipated, and therefore I need to make a really tough decision here and walk away from it – and move on.

And certainly if you are really listening to that inner calling, that will guide you as to what is the right action to take here.

So, again, a really interesting month because I think that your intuition will really be talking to you during this month.  And, again, it is your choice whether you listen or not, because it’s easy not to listen; but that might see you down a bit of a……the long route to where you need to go.

But if you do choose to listen keep in mind that this journey can be quite challenging, particularly around what actions do you take, and what do you walk away from that you might have already fully emotionally invested in?

So there you have it – that is the Tarot forecast for August.  I can’t wait to connect with you soon.  Have a great month.



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