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Ask Brigit: Are Major Arcana Cards More Important Than Minor Arcana Cards

By April 29, 2015 May 2nd, 2018

Given the names “Major Arcana” and “Minor Arcana”, you would think that the Major Arcana was more important than the Minor Arcana. But it isn't necessarily so.

Today's Ask Brigit question is from Maria Jacinta, who asks:

“In a three card spread do you give more significance to a Major Arcana over a Minor? Are the Majors more important?”

Watch this video to find out my answer.

I'll give you my personal strategies and techniques for interpreting the Major and Minor Arcana cards in a Tarot reading.

After you’ve watched the video, I’d love to hear your own techniques and strategies for differentiating the Major and Minor Arcana cards. Leave your comments below.

Video Transcript

Hi, I'm Brigit, Founder of Biddy Tarot – the place to be if you're an aspiring Tarot reader and you want to transform your life and others' with Tarot.

And this is a special Ask Brigit video post where I answer your questions about the Tarot.

Today we have a question from Maria Jacinta. She asks:

“In a three card spread do you give more significance to a Major Arcana over a Minor? Are the Majors more important?”

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Good question. The names Major and Minor certainly make it sound as if the Major Arcana is more important than the Minor Arcana. But it isn't necessarily so. Let me explain.

The Major Arcana cards are about the spiritual influences, life lessons and karmic energy in our lives.

The energy around Major Arcana cards is certainly very strong and worth paying attention to in a Tarot reading as they highlight some very powerful energies. I typically look to these cards in a reading to see what major influences are at play and what life lessons the client is experiencing. In larger spreads, the combination of the Major Arcana cards can tell you a lot about the underlying themes to the client's situation and what's really going on.

Even though the Major Arcana cards are perhaps more powerful, the Minor Arcana cards are equally as important. They tell us about the day-to-day going-ons in our lives and the issues and challenges we face along our journey. In fact, the Minor Arcana often give insight into how the big, strong energies of the Major Arcana cards are manifesting in our day-to-day lives. These are the aspects that we can typically change, too, so that we can reach our desired goal.

So, in summary neither the Major Arcana or Minor Arcana is more important than the other. But it does help to pay attention to the Major Arcana cards in a reading to see what bigger energies and influences are at play.

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Remember, you CAN transform your life and others' with Tarot so keep your passion alive.

Thank-you for watching and I'll see you next time.


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