Thank you for your support. By leaving a review on Amazon you’re helping to not only let others know the value you’ve experienced, but also to help more people find our product too!

You can do this by following the instructions below:

Purchased on Amazon:

Step 2:

Sign in to your account. If you see the option to sign in near the top-right corner of the page (above “Accounts & Lists”), click Sign in to do so now. If you see your name there instead, you're already signed in.

Step 3:

Click the  Orders  menu.  It's near the top-right corner of the page next to “Accounts & Lists.” This takes you to a page that displays your recent Amazon orders. It's best to review an item directly from your orders rather than just search for the product on Amazon's website.

Step 4:

Locate the order containing the product you want to review. If you ordered the item within the past 6 months, you can find the order by scrolling down the current page. If the item was purchased prior to that time, click the drop-down menu that says past 6 months (above the first order) and select a different time period. You can also search for the item by typing its name into the “Search all orders” blank and then clicking Search Orders.

Step 5:

Click  “Write a product review”  next to the order. It's a grey button to the right of the order's contents. If there's only one item in the order, this opens a page that allows you to review just that item.

If the order contains two or more items, clicking this link will display thumbnails of all ordered items, with the selected order's items appearing at the top of the page.

If you don't see the option to click Write a product review, click Order details to expand the contents of the order and click the product's title to view its page. You can then scroll down and click Write a customer review to the left of the first existing customer review.

Step 6:

Select an overall star rating. You can choose a rating from 1 to 5 stars with 5 being the best and 1 being the least.

If you selected an order that contained one or more item, selecting your star rating will open the remaining parts of the review screen for that item.

Step 7:

Add a photo or video (optional) of the product. If you took a photograph or video of the item you're reviewing (optional) click the + under “Add a photo or video” to upload it from your computer.

Step 8:

Type your review. The “Write your review” box at the bottom of the review form is where you can get specific about what you liked or disliked about the book. You can also add a title to your review (e.g., “I loved this book!”) by typing it into the “Add a headline”.

Step 9:

Click Submit. It's the yellow button below the form's bottom-right corner. Once your review passes a quick quality review process, it will be posted to the product's page.

Purchased Elsewhere:

Step 1:

Step 2:

Search for the book on Amazon.

Step 3:

Click Write a Customer Review on the left side of the review section.

Step 4:

Select an overall star rating. You can choose a rating from 1 to 5 stars with 5 being the best and 1 being the least.

If you selected an order that contained one or more item, selecting your star rating will open the remaining parts of the review screen for that item.

Step 5:

Add a photo or video (optional) of the product. If you took a photograph or video of the item you're reviewing (optional) click the + under “Add a photo or video” to upload it from your computer.

Step 6:

Type your review. The “Write your review” box at the bottom of the review form is where you can get specific about what you liked or disliked about the book. You can also add a title to your review (e.g., “I loved this book!”) by typing it into the “Add a headline”.

Step 7:

Click Submit. It's the yellow button below the form's bottom-right corner. Once your review passes a quick quality review process, it will be posted to the product's page.

Thank you for taking the time to support Biddy Tarot products. So much gratitude!