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Ask Brigit: What Tarot Deck Should I Buy?

By August 20, 2014 May 2nd, 2018

blog-20141001-ask-brigit-how-to-read-a-tarot-card-in-5-minutesChoosing a Tarot deck can be overwhelming. There are literally 1000s of decks and that number seems to be growing by the month as more and more Tarot decks are released.

So how do you choose which Tarot deck to buy?

Watch this video to find out my answer. I'll give you 3 tips to find a Tarot deck that is perfect for you.

Watch the video right here:

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Remember, you CAN transform your life and others' with Tarot so keep your passion alive.

Thank-you for watching and I'll see you next time.

After you’ve watched the video, I’d love to hear how you chose your favourite Tarot deck. How did you know it was a perfect match? Leave your comments below.

Video Transcript:

Hi, I'm Brigit, Founder of Biddy Tarot – the place to be if you're an aspiring Tarot reader and you want to transform your life and others' with Tarot.

And this is a special Ask Brigit video post where I answer your questions about the Tarot.

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Today's question is one that is on the mind of many people who are new to Tarot – “What Tarot deck should I buy?”

Choosing a Tarot deck can be overwhelming. There are literally 1000s of decks and that number seems to be growing by the month as more and more decks are released.

To help you choose a deck that's right for you, here are my top tips.

Tip #1: Look for a Personal Connection

Tarot decks are very personal, so make sure you choose a deck that you feel connected to. Go to a store and handle all of the Tarot decks that are on display. What energy do you pick up from the deck? Or jump online and look at the imagery of different decks.

I know it sounds simple, but choose a deck that feels right for you and that keeps getting your attention.

Tip #2: Consider What Information Is Available

The major advantage of the Rider Waite deck is that it is also the most popular deck and many, many books have been written about this deck. If you get a deck that is less well-known, it may be difficult to find detailed interpretations of the cards beyond the Little White Book provided with the original deck.

Tip #3: Match Your Personality and Reading Style

Some decks suit certain types of readers better than others. For example, if you're into the occult, you'll love the Thoth deck. Or if you like easy-to-interpret imagery, then the Rider Waite deck is a solid bet. Or perhaps you're into Zen – choose the Osho-Zen deck.

Me? I love the Radiant Rider Waite deck because it is colourful and bright, and it's a deck that I am now very familiar with. I recommend this deck to Tarot beginners because the imagery is very easy to interpret and there are so many books that use this Tarot deck.

What about you? What deck do you like using the most? Leave your comments below.


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