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It’s Over! Top 10 Tarot Cards for Relationship Break-Ups

By November 30, 2010 September 28th, 2022

A relationship break-up can be incredibly disappointing and hurtful. So, what Tarot cards should you look out for to foresee if a relationship is about to end? Here are my top ten Tarot cards for relationship break-ups.

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Ten of Swords

One look at the imagery on the Ten of Swords and it is clear that this is about a painful, dramatic and perhaps unexpected ending. You have been deeply hurt and betrayed in this break-up and it will take many months, or even years, to heal from this difficult experience. However, keep faith as this Ten heralds a new cycle in life and new beginnings on the horizon.


The Hermit is a solitary figure, representing a time of isolation and withdrawal from others. I see this as indicative of being ‘single’ and using this time to reflect on one’s personal and spiritual goals. So, while it is not strictly a ‘break-up’ card, it suggests a time of solitude and being on one’s own.


Again, what stark imagery in the Tower! A lightning bolt strikes, the building is in flames, and people are leaping from the windows. This card reflects great turmoil or a major shake-up that forces you to change the way you see the world. Just when you thought you were in a safe and comfortable relationship, an event has occurred which has turned the relationship upside-down. You are now confronted with major change and may be dealing with divorce or the end of a long-term relationship.

Three of Swords

In the Three of Swords, we see a heart pierced by three swords. This card indicates grief, heartbreak and sorrow. This card may appear when a relatively new relationship has come to an end, because thankfully we see the sun shining from behind the clouds, suggesting that this heartbreak is only temporary and you will soon move on to greener pastures.

Three of Cups reversed

Ah, the Three of Cups reversed! I nearly always see this card when there is a love triangle or an unfaithful partner. Now, if this is not what you signed up for, it is likely it will lead to the end of the relationship. You need to be clear about the boundaries of your relationship and what you will and won’t stand for!

Five of Swords

The Five of Swords shows that battle has been fought and lost. Perhaps you have been going through a long period of disagreements and arguments with your partner and have finally decided to go your separate ways. While the arguing is over, you may not have the closure or ‘final word’ that you were looking for. Instead of pushing the matter, it is time to let go.


Death is a card of change and transformation, endings and beginnings. Your relationship may have reached its final cycle and has come to an end. It is now time to let go of the past and embrace the future by bringing about change. In many cases this will mean the imminent end of the relationship, but take a look at the other cards in your reading as it is possible that change may occur within the relationship itself, steering it in a new and more positive direction.

Two of Cups reversed

Upright, this is a card of emotional connections and bonds between two people. Reversed, the Two of Cups reflects the end of a relationship, but perhaps it is under the context of a ‘mutual parting of ways’. You have both agreed that it is best to separate and break the bond that you once shared.

Five of Pentacles

The Five of Pentacles indicates failure and loss. Two destitute figures walk in the snow, shut outside of the church despite being in need of a helping hand. With this card, expect to feel isolated and ‘shut out’ of a relationship, experiencing some financial and spiritual loss as a result. Your partner may be refusing to help you or is withholding your finances as a result of a dispute.

Ten of Pentacles reversed

Upright, the Ten of Pentacles reflects an established relationship – possibly a long-term marriage along with an extended family network. Reversed, this marriage may be coming to an end and now you are having to divest family assets and separate your finances as part of the break-up. Your family and home life are being affected too.

Are you feeling drawn to a particular card? I'd love for you to share your insights on Instagram, and remember to tag #biddytarot so I can see!


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