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Top 10 Tarot Cards for Guilt and Shame

By July 4, 2012 September 29th, 2022

The Tarot often reveals inner secrets, both within ourselves and our clients. So, what Tarot cards indicate the inner secrets of guilt and shame?

Here are my top 10 Tarot cards for guilt and shame. (And a special thank-you to Jemma Parsons for brainstorming this one with me!)

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And if you want to discover the top 10 Tarot cards for all kinds of Tarot readings (love, finance, success, travel and more), then click here for my free eBook – Top 10 Tarot Cards. Learn the Tarot card meanings and read Tarot with more accuracy and confidence!

Judgement reversed

After going through a period of self-judgement and evaluation, you find yourself regretting past actions and feeling immensely guilty for what you have done. It is time to forgive yourself and ask for forgiveness from others.

Two of Swords

You are in denial about what has happened, and rather than owning up to what you have done, you prefer to bury your head in the sand and keep your eyes closed. Guilt and shame is building from within.

Nine of Swords

Riddled with guilt, you are having panic attacks and you are feeling immense stress and anxiety about what has happened.

Five of Cups

The figure in the Five of Cups has his head hung in shame. You regret what you have done and you feel shame for what has come to pass. You want to make ammends and move forward, so ask for forgiveness and show remorse.

Ten of Wands

You are carrying the burden of your guilt and shame and it is weighing heavily on you. It is time to let go of this baggage, either by seeking forgiveness or moving on with your life.

Seven of Swords Reversed

You thought you got away with something that was deceptive and under-handed, but it has caught up with you and now you're about to get busted. You feel ashamed for having deceived others and worse, yourself. It is time to own up to what you have done.

Five of Swords reversed

You have said some very hurtful things in the heat of the moment that you now regret and wish you could take back. Put your tail between your legs and apologise for you have said, even if the other person is not completely in the right either.


You know you have engaged in self-destructive behaviour even though it felt oh-so-good at the time. You may be starting to realise the long-term detrimental affects of your actions and you are experiencing the guilt and shame as a result.

Six of Wands Reversed

You have tarnished your otherwise good reputation. Your actions have lead to others perceiving you in a negative way, making you prone to gossip. If this is your own doing, you may feel the associated guilt and shame of having ruined your personal reputation.

Nine of Wands

You are feeling paranoid and on ‘high alert', perhaps as a result of having acted in a way that was not lawful or ‘above board'. Excessive feelings of guilt are prevalent and you are going into self-preservation mode.

Are you feeling drawn to a particular card? I'd love for you to share your insights on Instagram, and remember to tag #biddytarot so I can see.


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