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Manifesting the Pure Potential of the Aces in Your Life

By October 15, 2014 May 4th, 2018

Blog-20141015-Aces-in-Your-LifeAhhh, the Aces in Tarot! What beautiful, bright blessings these cards bring to a Tarot reading and to life in general.

The Aces represent new beginnings, new opportunities and most importantly, potential. Potential to create, to manifest, to inspire, to love, to transform, to break through…

What I love most about the Aces is that while they represent the very first stages of a journey, they contain the complete blueprint for what is to unfold. Yes – absolutely everything that is ‘meant to be' is contained in the each Ace within the Tarot.

Think about a little baby in utero. This little life starts from just two cells that meet, and then double, and double again, until a little baby begins to grow. What's even more beautiful is that this little baby already has a life path within him or her and even though he/she hasn't been born into this world yet, he/she carries the potential for a full life.

Or perhaps think about a little seed in the ground. It begins to sprout underneath the soil and hasn't even burst forth from the ground, but we know that this little seed has the potential to grow into a huge tree.

The pure potential in the Aces is just magical.

So how can we take the potential carried within the Aces and manifest it in our lives? I'm about to share with you a couple of powerful exercises to help you do just that!

Manifesting the Pure Potential of the Aces

Are you about to set forth on a new journey? Perhaps you're starting a new job, a new relationship, a new project, a new business, a new phase of life.

Now, wouldn't it be beautiful to capture the pure potential of each of the Aces and bring this energy into your new journey? Here's how…

Pull out the four Aces from your Tarot deck and lay them out in front of you.

ace_cupsPick up the Ace of Cups and just gaze at the card. Notice the imagery and the energy you receive as you hold this card.

Now, connect with the pure potential of the Ace of Cups. How can you bring pure love and compassion into your new journey? How can you open yourself up to give and receive love? How can you express your whole self fully and authentically?

Take a moment to write down your thoughts and ideas. And if you're an action-oriented person like me, you might want to write down 3 things you will do as part of your new journey to harness the potential of the Ace of Cups.

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Now, the next thing you might want to do is draw a Tarot card from your deck, asking, “How can I best manifest the potential of the Ace of Cups in my new journey?” Again, take note of your insights and any potential actions that you can take.

ace_pentacles-career-tarot-cardsNext, pick up the Ace of Pentacles. Again, take note of the imagery and the energy of this card first.

Then, connect with the pure potential of the Ace of Pentacles. How can you bring this new journey into being? How can you manifest the potential opportunity that is being presented to you? How can you make this opportunity ‘real'?

Note down your thoughts and ideas. Then, draw a Tarot card, asking, “How can I best manifest the potential of the Ace of Pentacles in my new journey?”

ace_swordsNow, pick up the Ace of Swords. You know what to do – connect with the imagery and the energy of the card. Then, connect with the pure potential of the Ace of Swords. How can you bring mental clarity to your new journey? How can you communicate powerfully and compellingly? How can you access the truth of your new journey?

Note down your thoughts and ideas. Then, draw a Tarot card, asking, “How can I best manifest the potential of the Ace of Swords in my new journey?”

ace_wandsAnd finally, pick up the Ace of Wands. Start with the imagery and energy of the card. Then connect with the pure potential of the Ace of Wands. How can you bring energy and ‘soul' into your new journey? How will you nurture your passion and motivation? How will you continue to be inspired?

Note down your thoughts and ideas. Then, draw a Tarot card, asking, “How can I best manifest the potential of the Ace of Wands in my new journey?”

Just pause for a moment and observe the energy that is present in your body right now. Amazing, huh?!

Now as one last step, lay out the four Aces in front of you and gently hover your left hand over each card. Notice where you feel the most energy – it might feel like a warm sensation in your hand, a joyous, over-flowing feeling in your heart, or something entirely different. Pick up the Ace that has the most energy for you.

Now take that Ace (or a print-out of the card) and place it somewhere where you will see it frequently while you're embarking on your new journey (e.g. on your office desk, bedside table, or even your purse or wallet). Remind yourself of the energy of this Ace and continue to manifest its pure potential along your new journey.

Over to You

I'd love for you to try out this exercise and share your thoughts in the Comments section below. What new journey is coming into your life? What new insights have come to you as you have connected with the Aces? What Ace do you connect with the most?


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