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Ask Brigit: How to Read a Tarot Card in 5 Minutes

By October 1, 2014 May 2nd, 2018

Ask Brigit_Oct 1

Many Tarot beginners ask me, “How can I learn to read Tarot – fast?”

Well, it can take many, many years to truly master the Tarot. However, I've got a great technique you can use straight away to help you read the Tarot in just 5 minutes or less.

Watch this video for a step-by-step approach to reading a Tarot card in just 5 minutes.

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Remember, you CAN transform your life and others' with Tarot so keep your passion alive.

Thank-you for watching and I'll see you next time.

After you’ve watched the video, I’d love to hear your own techniques and strategies for quickly reading a Tarot card. Leave your comments below.

Video Transcript:

Hi, I'm Brigit, Founder of Biddy Tarot – the place to be if you're an aspiring Tarot reader and you want to transform your life and others' with Tarot.

And this is a special Ask Brigit video post where I answer your questions about the Tarot.

Many Tarot beginners ask me, “How can I learn to read Tarot – fast?”

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Well, it can take many, many years to truly master the Tarot. However, I've got a great technique you can use straight away to help you read the Tarot in just 5 minutes or less.

Grab your Rider Waite or other deck and think of a question you want to ask the Tarot. Now randomly select a card and place it in front of you.

As an example, I'm going to ask about what's coming up in my business.

I drew the Ten of Pentacles.

Now that you have your card, spend a moment just gazing at the card. What stands out to you? What do you feel when you see this card? Take note of any initial thoughts and feelings because this is your intuition talking to you.

Now, take a look at the picture depicted in the card. What's happening? Describe it.

First thing I saw was the coins. It's like they are showering down in abundance.  It's quite a beautiful image.  It looks like a really wealthy family altogether with a couple of white dogs in what appears to be a castle.

Next, think about why this is happening? So with the 10 of pentacles I see a lot of wealth here.  So perhaps these people have spent a lot of time and energy building up their wealth and now they are being showered with abundance.

OK, now think about the question you asked. What does this card tell you about your situation? What's the lesson you can learn from your situation?

So if I'm looking at my business this card would be saying that my hard work will be paying off when it comes to financial abundance.

And finally, if you had to sum it up in just one sentence, what would it be?

Hard work leads to abundance and fulfillment particularly on material and financial level.

And just like that, you have done a 1 card Tarot reading in under 5 minutes! Congratulations!


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