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Ask Brigit: How to Overcome Your Fear of Reading Tarot for Strangers

By July 1, 2015 May 2nd, 2018

Reading Tarot cards for strangers for the first time can be very daunting, especially if it's a face-to-face Tarot reading. But if you want to become a confident Tarot reader, you know that you must overcome this fear!

Today's Ask Brigit question is from Rebecca who writes:

“I've been reading Tarot for over 8 years but I have only ever read for people I know. I have a huge fear about reading for strangers. What should I do to overcome this fear?”

Watch this video to find out my answer.

I'll give you 3 ideas for how you can overcome your fear of reading Tarot for strangers.

After you’ve watched the video, I’d love to hear about your own ideas on how you can overcome your fear of reading Tarot for strangers. Leave your comments below.


Video Transcript:

Hi, I’m Brigit, Founder of Biddy Tarot – the place to be if you’re an aspiring Tarot reader and you want to transform your life and others’ with Tarot.

Reading Tarot cards for strangers for the first time can be very daunting, especially if it's a face-to-face Tarot reading. But if you want to become a confident Tarot reader, you know that you must overcome this fear!

Today's Ask Brigit question is from Rebecca who writes:

“I've been reading Tarot for over 8 years but I have only ever read for people I know. I have a huge fear about reading for strangers. What should I do to overcome this fear?”

Well Rebecca, you are not alone. I have been in a very similar place to you.

When I first started reading Tarot I really felt nervous and scared about reading Tarot for strangers. I was in my early 20s, and I didn’t look like your average Tarot reader. And I was really worried that people might judge me or might think that I was just making things up.

So rather than doing face-to-face readings straight away, what I did was I signed up to do some email Tarot readings. And I did that through the Free Reading Network with the American Tarot Association.

And I literally did hundreds of readings – for free – but all through email so I could build up my confidence reading for strangers. And doing email readings meant that I a little bit more space to think through my readings, and I did never feel, obviously, put on the spot because I would have that time and space to think through the reading.

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Now, if you want to do something similar I would also recommend the Biddy Tarot Network where we have got over 300 readers, all reading Tarot for free, in exchange for feedback to really build up their confidence. So that is one option for you.

Another option is – if you are reading Tarot for friends, then why not ask some of your friends if they can bring along their friends, who you don’t know, and maybe have a Tarot party. That way it is kind of little bit more of a“safer” environment for you to practice your skills.

Now the third option is Initiation by Fire. What I mean by that is – sign yourself up to a Psychic Fair and just get into it headfirst! That is what I eventually did. After I had done a few email Tarot readings – well a few…. a few hundred! I decided, right, if I want to do face-to-face readings, the way that I am going to get into it is just to sign up for a fair.

And I literally signed up for the Mind, Body, Spirit Festival, which is one of the biggest festivals here in Australia. And I sat there for two days doing Tarot readings back-to-back. It was a CRAZY experience, but so worth it because I really got through my fear, and I realised that I could do it. I could do face-to-face readings with strangers.

So that is another option for you.

Now, just before I wrap up, I just also want to touch on how you do your Tarot readings, so that you can keep back any fear or nervousness.

One thing to do before you start a reading is just make sure that you are feeling really centred and grounded. Just take a few breaths. Meditate. Whatever you need to do to bring yourself back into that place of peace – it kind of clears the mind so that you are not worrying about: What is this person going to think of me? Am I going to get it right?

And also after your reading, what I recommend is: Ask for feedback.

This is so important, particularly when you are learning because you will start to realise that people actually really value your readings, and you are giving some great insights.

And for those readings where maybe the feedback is not so great, that is a really good opportunity for you to improve.

So Rebecca, there you have it! I hope that has helped. I would love to see you out there, reading for strangers, with loads and loads of confidence.

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I want you to know that you CAN transform your life and others' with the Tarot – so go out there, be amazing, and I'll see you next time.



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