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Ask Brigit: How to Choose the Best Tarot Spread for Your Reading

By August 12, 2015 May 2nd, 2018


There are thousands of Tarot spreads to choose from – but how do you know which is the right Tarot spread to use in your reading?

Today's Ask Brigit question is from Aasheesh who writes,

“There are a plethora of Tarot spreads available. How do I choose the right one?”

Watch this video to find out my answer.

I'll give you my personal tips for how to choose the right Tarot spread for your Tarot readings.

After you’ve watched the video, I’d love to hear about your own ideas on how you choose the right Tarot spread for your readings. Leave your comments below.

Video Transcript:

Hi, I'm Brigit, Founder of Biddy Tarot – the place to be if you're an aspiring Tarot reader and you want to transform your life and others' through Tarot.

And this is a special Ask Brigit video post where I answer your questions about the Tarot.

Today's question comes from Aasheesh, who is one of our long-time Biddy Tarot fans. So I am so glad to be helping out Aasheesh today.

Aasheesh asks:

“There are a plethora of Tarot spreads out there. How do I know which one to choose?”

This is a really great question, Aasheesh. And I think it is something that many Tarot readers struggle with because you are right – there are so many Tarot spreads.

Now the thing is that it is a little bit chicken-and-egg.

So let me explain: Do you choose a Tarot spread, and then apply a question and do the reading; or do you ask a question and then find the right spread, and then do the reading?

So, for example, you might have found an amazing Tarot spread that is all about spiritual development. You think, ‘I would love to try out this Tarot spread,’ – then it is kind of like you are doing more the reading for the spreads’ sake. A

And that is perfectly okay.

However, if you come into a Tarot reading and you have got a specific question in mind, rather than a specific spread that you want to use, then it pays to really be mindful about what spread you choose in order to answer that question.

So here are a couple of tips if you have got a specific question that you are trying to choose a spread.

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Number 1 is you really need to get to the heart of the question.

What is really being asked when you are asking something of the Tarot?

For example, you can ask: When will I get back with my ex?

But really what we might be asking is: Is this the right relationship for me, or is it time to move on?

Once you start to unpack that question a little bit more, you will have a better understanding of which Tarot spread will answer that question.

So you might choose something a little bit more general like a Celtic Cross, or Past-Present-Future. And that is okay, but I would really encourage you to do is think about what spread is going to get to the heart of that question.

Will Past-Present-Future really answer the question of: Is this relationship meant to be?

So that is actually why I really like to work with custom spreads, or Do-It-Yourself spreads.

So rather than using a Tarot spread that has already been made up, and that may have been used for different types of questions, why not create your own Tarot spread by breaking down that big question, into small questions, and voila you have your very own Tarot spread that will get to the heart of that question.

And finally what’s really important is: Don’t overcomplicate things.

I know that we seem to have this tendency to want to make things more complicated than they need to be. So we might even use a 10 or 20 card spread, when we could have got the answer with just three cards.

So, as you are choosing your spread, or designing your own, just keep in mind that a great spread can still come out of just a few cards. And sometimes that can help us really focus on what we need to pay attention to.

So, there you have it, Aasheesh. That is my advice for choosing the right Tarot spread for your question: Think about doing your own custom spread. Make sure that your spread is aligned to what it is that you are actually asking. And remember to always keep it simple.

I hope that has been really helpful, and thank you so much for sending in your question, Aasheesh.

If you watched this video and you want even more Tarot goodness, make sure you head on over to the Biddy Tarot website where I have got loads and loads of Tarot goodies, right there waiting for you.

You will also find my free Tarot tutorial series: 5 Simple Steps to Read Tarot with Confidence, to get you kick started.

And if you loved this video, make sure you click Like, and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Remember you CAN change your life and others' through Tarot, so keep doing amazing things.

I will speak to you next time.



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